Produced by: Prairie View A&M
- Tu3:30pm - 4pm
- Th1pm - 1:30pm
- Fr10:30am - 11am
- Su1:30pm - 2pm
Hosted by LaRachelle Smith and Maurice Perkins, the CAHS takes to the airwaves to inform students and community members about Agriculture and Human Sciences, current research that is being conducted in CAHS and opportunities being offered through Cooperative Extension Program within the college.
Each week LaRachelle and Maurice present interesting facts about healthy living and agriculture, and feature expert guests from the faculty and staff of Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU), holding discussions about topics such as the benefits of medicinal plants, CAHS student organizations and extension programs to name a few.
Outlook on Agriculture (OOA) maintains a high level of student involvement by providing real-life training opportunities for students to become more competitive in the job market. Undergraduate students, Jakari Bates and Maya Robertson have produced shows that create an informative platform that is engaging to all listeners, including students.
About the Host
LaRachelle S. Smith
LaRachelle Smith is the College’s Director of Marketing, Communications and iT. She is an alumnus of PVAMU who began her career as a Project Manager and her passion for information technology led her to a very diverse career that include management, teaching, entrepreneurship and media broadcasting.
Maurice Perkins
Maurice Perkins is no stranger to the airwaves. With over 20 years as a radio show hosts, he provides a dynamic addition to the CAHS. Also a PVAMU alumnus, Mr. Perkins shares his perspective from not only a journalist, but as a US Army veteran.